Monday, April 5, 2010

Another Year

I've been busy enjoying an extended bday week/end so I have left the blogging on the backburner. I promise I'll be back in action tomorrow! The celebration kicked off a couple of days early, with a suprise present from the boy on Thursday (orange stacking boxes from Jonathan Adler -- picked 'em out all by himself!) and party on Saturday at an undisclosed location, which must remain so because I wish to keep it all to myself, as there aren't many places in NYC where you can escape the awful Saturday night crowds and party it up with a handful of your favorite people, dancing the night away as your friends man the turntables and crank out jam after jam. My favorite cake was had (a decadent Brooklyn Blackout from Two Little Red Hens), Easter eggs were hunted, and a set of bunny ears made the rounds through the course of the evening.

Today was nothing short of blissful. I managed to get out of work at 6PM (woohoo!)  and went out for juicy burgers with coworkers, followed by a picturesque stroll through the West Village in the most beautiful weather we've seen this year.  Once home, my adorable family crowded around the speakerphone to call and wish me. My sweet little gran, who is pushing 90, sang me a warbly happy birthday (in English!), which was the cutest, heart-meltingest thing ever --  I wish I'd been able to record it.

The only thing that put a damper on my birthday high was the fact that I had not one, but two pairs of shoes stolen on the night of my party. I'd worn sky high birthday Loubs and brought my favorite grey suede everyday heels as backup for when my feet gave out, as well as a pair of beautiful, green suede Vanessa Bruno Athe flats trimmed with gold studs (which I'd pined away for in the window at Ludivine for months before finally being able to make the purchase). When I went to retrieve my belongings at the end of the night, both pairs were missing, never to be seen again. I sincerely hope that whoever would be so evil as to steal the birthday girl's beloved shoes trips in them and has a nasty fall/develops fiery, blistering bunions, but I'm content to know that there is a special place reserved in hell for such persons.

Until the morrow, I leave you with some pretty, birthday-themed snaps, via A Field Journal and The Thinking Tank:

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