Sunday, August 15, 2010

Sunday Linkage: Guerilla Knitting, Lessons in Scarf Tying, and Summer in the Street

In which we take a break from shopping to gaze at pretty pictures and read about things that caught my fancy this week.  

It's been ages since I did a Sunday Linkage. Here we go again . . .

Hanneli Mustaparta snapped this girl (her name is Katy Smail and she's an illustrator), and the photo really captures New York summer style for me. Love the fading light, too -- it reminds me that the end of the season draws near :(

The lovely ladies of Vena Cava recently spotted this amazing work of yarn bombing:

All French women seem to come out of the womb knowing how to tie a perfect scarf, and now, thanks to a series of YouTube tutorials, you too can pull it off with the panache of a Gallic gal. Style Bubble recently posted a series of vids from Liberty of London, in which a charming French girl named Lauranne teaches you the ins and outs of a variety of styles, from the bow to the plaited headwrap (mon dieu!), in less than two minutes each. I happen to own several oversized scarves, but haven't the foggiest idea how to manipulate the large swathes of fabric to sit about my neck just so, and the video instruction worked marvelously. Somehow, Lauranne's thick French accent seemed to assist me tremendously in getting it right -- perhaps it channeled the necessary attitude?

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