Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Let's Just Skip This Winter Thing, Shall We?

So I guess this winter thing is really happening.  My years in California allowed me to believe, if only for a few years, that it doesn't have to go down like that.  My readjustment to the East Coast and its weather patterns has been hampered by memories of winters spent in flip flops sans jacket --  a tenacious thought I can't seem to shake -- and each year back has me hoping that maybe, just maybe, the seasons will "forget" to change and bypass winter entirely.

But alas, NYC grows colder by the minute, and on the long walk home from work this evening I was forced to acknowledge the fact that my little capelet isn't going to cut it anymore. Time to upgrade to something with real sleeves. A chic anorak, perhaps?  I'm not trying to spend a ton, as this is really just a transitional jacket to see me through the 50's (yes, I think of my coats in terms of temperature ranges and maybe organize them that way in my closet). A simple yet stylish contender:

Insight Bad Habits Anorak, $137 @ 80's Purple.

Photo credit: www.80spurple.com

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