Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Thoughts on My Mini Makeover?

A couple of weeks ago I quietly posted a new banner for the blog and crafted a business card design, which I'm really excited about.  Like a teenager who just got her braces off, I've been hoping people would notice. Since many of you are email or RSS subscribers, you probabtly haven't seen it because it doesn't show up in emails or feed readers. If you have a moment to weigh in, I'd really appreciate it!

I came up with the concept a while ago, but it only came to life with the help of my very nice friends. Ali lensed countless shots, and Pierre worked his Photoshop magic, tweaking until everything was just so. I'm sure I annoyed the hell out of them during the process, but I'm oh so happy with the result and hope that's a teeny, tiny consolation for their time and efforts!

Here's the front of the b card . . .

. . .  and here's the banner for those of you who don't see it in your emails/readers:


  1. esta increible! me traslado a la infancia cuando masticaba los zapatitos de mis barbies!

    - it's totally awesome! it took me back to my childhood when i used to chew on my barbie's shoes

  2. super sassy and cute! really great concept too.

  3. So cute! I love it. Nice work.

  4. I think it's pretty cute actually :)

  5. totally you and creative. i'm a big fan!

  6. thanks for the lovely comments! glad you guys like it :)

  7. p.s. - cory, i'd completely forgotten about the spanish verb, "masticar," so . . . thanks!
